Learn about the forms of real estate fraud in Turkey
The real estate sector in Turkey has gained a good reputation globally and this is what encouraged Arab and foreign investors to go to Turkey in order to invest in real estate in Turkey , especially after the great success witnessed by this sector , which greatly affected the Turkish economy and contributed to its prosperity .
And of course, as a result of this heavy demand, some fraudsters deliberately invented many ways to try to deceive foreign investors during the process of buying real estate in Turkey and rob them of their money, and that is why it was necessary to highlight the forms of real estate fraud in Turkey to beware of it..
What is the concept of real estate fraud?
Real estate fraud is a broad concept under which there are many ways and methods, all of which aim to deceive the investor or the customer and sometimes the property owner, and this is done by making illogical offers regarding real estate in Turkey, often exploiting the ignorance of the other party With the Turkish real estate market and real estate prices in Turkey , to be an easy victim for these scammers , and the spread of real estate fraud has increased dramatically after the spread of selling real estate on the Internet , so it is necessary to know who you are dealing with while searching for apartments for sale in Turkey .
Fraud by impersonating the property owner:
And there are a large number of people who have fallen victim to this method, as the fraudster impersonates the owner of the apartment or property in Turkey and submits all the supporting documents that confirm this, including personal identity and ownership papers of the property, and may sometimes present himself as the official agent of the property owner. And that he has the right to dispose of it and sell it with the submission of documents proving this, which are of course forged, but it is difficult for the customer or investor to reveal this if he does not have knowledge of the law.
And here comes the importance of dealing with reputable and credible real estate companies in Turkey, as such companies have a team of lawyers who are able to ensure the reliability of these documents to ensure that they are not exposed to fraud.
Fraud by offering fancy prices:
This is done by offering unreasonable prices for real estate in Turkey despite its excellent specifications. Looking at the offers offered by real estate companies, we notice large differences in price, and some investors and customers may be attracted to these unbelievable offers and feel that they have got a deal Life to be surprised later by reality, but it was too late.
On the contrary, some real estate owners may take advantage of the buyer's ignorance of real estate prices in Turkey, Venom by selling the property at a very high price, despite the fact that its specifications are not worth it, but it is delusional with unreal features that make him fall behind in this talk to fall victim to the fraud.
Fraud through offers to reduce the amount required for Turkish citizenship:
The laws on obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment are very clear. They stipulate that the amount needed to obtain citizenship by purchasing a property in Turkey must be at least 250 thousand US dollars, and therefore all offers that claim the possibility of obtaining citizenship for an amount less than this It is considered false and its purpose is fraud and theft of money only. That is why the person must be constantly aware of real estate laws and consult the legal knowledge in order not to fall into such a trap.
Fraud by displaying specifications that do not exist in reality:
As we have already mentioned, buying real estate in Turkey via the Internet has spread a lot recently, but this method carries many risks, as some companies display pictures of the property and its specifications that do not match reality, and this indicates the importance of making real estate tours to the apartment and examining it properly. It is good to know the extent of conformity in the specifications between the pictures and the reality. Also, dealing with reliable real estate companies and knowing the opinion of customers is very important in order to be reassured that everything is legal.
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