Турецкий паспорт дает безвизовый доступ в более чем 115 стран мира, таких как Катар, Япония, Аргентина, Южная Африка и Украина. В то время как в большинство этих стран можно въехать без предварительной визы, некоторые страны разрешают въезд с визой по прибытии или онлайн-визой. Также в контексте договоренностей и переговоров между Турцией и ЕС в ближайшем будущем ожидается предоставление преимущества безвизового доступа во многие европейские страны Шенгенской зоны с турецким паспортом.
Application registration and approval stage.
Sending the file to the Competent General Directorate to study it.
Preliminary audit of the file.
Extended auditing stage, archiving, and transferring the file to the competent authorities for evaluation.
The file is included within the citizenship list to be approved by the Council of Ministers.
The stage of making a decision regarding the file.
Reporting the result through the authority by which the file has been applied.
Photocopy of the Tabu (The title deed).
A valid real estate appraisal report (the validity of the report is 3 months).
Original payment receipts from the buyer's account, stamped by the sending bank.
Original receipts from the seller's account, stamped by the receiving bank.
Two copies of the power of attorney for the citizenship application.
Translation of the passport into Turkish and attesting it from the notary in Turkey for all family members: (husband, wife, and children under 18 years old).